Cheap Domain Name Registration Australia

Our Primary DNS Provider
Domain Registration DNS is our primary domain name and DNS server provider.
Additionally they are also our domain name registrar and hosting provider.
DRD (Domain Registration DNS) is a brand new Australian domain name registar.
Launched back in 2019 they have been providing domain name registration and web hosting to thousands of local Australian business.
The service relfects cheap domain name registration. This is backed up by the fact a wide range of free additional services is offered that gives customers complete control over thier new domain names without the additional expense.
Other domain registrars in Australia only provide a domain name and the ability to change the delegation of the name servers. That’s about as much as you get with other more expensive registars.
Domain Registration DNS is now also branching out and extending services directly to the healthcare industry to provide secure medical web hosting coming online sometime in may 2021. Medical hosting and domain names often requires a higher level of security and must comply with the Australian privacy act. Services will include domain privacy and locking which is essential to maintain strict privacy polices.
DNS Australia and Domain Registration DNS have both undergone a DNSSEC upgrade in preperation for registering cheaper domain names for the healthcare industry and improved security for the public sector.
Australia has many different domain name registration and web hosting compaines. Some of them are a good idea and some you need to stay away from. You also need to make sure that you are not being fooled by oversea’s companies who are posing as Australian busineses. These companies will often have a domain name. But they house and host there servers someone either in the USA or another much cheaper coutry where the technology is often of a lower standard and offers much slower speed.
One domain registar we will mention you to stay away from in any case is Go daddy. Some of us have seen some of the slowest hosting servers ever witnessed. We ran some tests on customers website which were hosted by Go daddy and we found within the GTmetrics testing tool low scores over below 30% performance. This is why it always best to stick with a 100% Australian company for your domain name registration and web hosting needs.
What makes Domain Registration DNS different?
As mentioned DRD provides a wide range of free and additional services within the customer control panel. These services enables maximum control of most domain settings.
These include.
1. Free URL forwarding and domain redirection.
2. Free domain email forwarding.
3. Unlimited sub-domains.
4. Create DNS zone records.
5. Create custom name servers.
6. Domain Delegation.
7. Full domain management.
8. Ability to change domain whois information.
9. Domain locking and security.
10. Free DNS Hosting
Other Services.
1. Blazing fast cloud web hosting.
2. cPanel Hosting.
3. Free WordPress hosting.
4. Free application installers.
5. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
6. Public DNS resolver servers.
7. Domain Booster.
8. Office 365 cloud hosting.
9. Email Hosting.
Domain Name Registration And Web Hosting Blogs
DRD has one of the best and informative informational blogs we have come across. The quantity and quality of the information provided is helpful and assures that it’s readers are able to make sense of the domain name system.
Answers to common questions are also found in the info center which can be access via the top menu on the home page.